Author Archive

May 1, 2012


by Vincent Maurice

The lumiBots are small, autonomous robots that react to light. They can leave glowing traces which slowly fade away, so that older, darker trails are visible as well as newer, brighter ones. This way, generative images that consistently change are generated. They are appealing just for the glow effect, but also have a deeper meaning for the robots: They can follow the lines with their light sensors, and amplify them whilst preferring brighter (newer) and broader (more often used) trails.

More at

May 1, 2012

by Vincent Maurice visualizes the first Prelude from Bach’s Cello Suites. Using the mathematics behind string length and pitch, it came from a simple idea: what if all the notes were drawn as strings? Instead of a stream of classical notation on a page, this interactive project highlights the music’s underlying structure and subtle shifts.

More details at

May 1, 2012

Kite Aerial Photography

by Vincent Maurice

Tell Cris Benton to go fly a kite. He’ll return with breathtaking photographs taken from seemingly impossible vantage points. As a young architect, Cris wanted sharp images of his buildings’ upper reaches, so he pioneered the art/science of of aerial kite photography. Now a professor of architecture at UC Berkeley, Cris is still a leader in the aerial kite photography community, constantly developing new ways to rig remotely controlled cameras to customized kites for stunning results. Also, see the centuries-old technique of using kites to lift people in the air!

May 1, 2012

Piano Staircase

by Vincent Maurice

”Take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator and feel better” is something we often hear or read in the Sunday papers. Few people actually follow that advice. Can we get more people to take the stairs over the escalator by making it fun to do?

See the results here.

May 1, 2012

Kinetic Sculptures

by Vincent Maurice

Kinetic sculptor and artist Theo Jansen builds ‘strandbeests’ from yellow plastic tubing that is readily available in his native Holland.

The graceful creatures evolve over time as Theo adapts their designs to harness the wind more efficiently. They are powered only by the wind and even store some of the wind’s energy in plastic bottle ‘stomachs’ to be used when there is no wind.

May 1, 2012

Merging robotics and music… once again

by Vincent Maurice

This video premiered at the TED2012 Conference in Long Beach, California on February 29, 2012. Deputy Dean for Education and GRASP lab member Vijay Kumar presented some of this groundbreaking work at the TED2012 conference, an international gathering of people and ideas from technology, entertainment, and design.

The engineers from Penn, Daniel Mellinger and Alex Kushleyev, have formed a company called KMel Robotics that will design and market these quadrotors.
More information:

May 1, 2012

Merging robotics and civil engineering

by Vincent Maurice

The first use of the Flying Machine Enabled Construction paradigm is the installation titled “Flight Assembled Architecture” at the FRAC Centre, Orleans. This installation was developed jointly with architects Gramazio & Kohler. Flight Assembled Architecture is the first installation to be built by flying machines. Conceived as an architectural structure at a scale of a 600 m high “vertical village”, the installation addresses radical new ways of thinking and materializing architecture as a physical process of dynamic formation.

May 1, 2012

A souvenir

by Vincent Maurice

January 26, 2012

Make a Messenger Bag out of Trash Bags

by Vincent Maurice

       Make a Messenger Bag Out of Trash

      Fusing Plastic Bag Tutorial

      By Anda Lewis of


January 18, 2012

Unit Origami Diagram

by Vincent Maurice