Author Archive

May 7, 2012

Truely Creative!!

by dhruvir

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May 7, 2012

A Final Adeu to the Amazing Class!

by dhruvir

What a semester it was! Not only studies but most of us were busy hunting for internships and that made it a hell of a semester. But one thing that made us all forget all the woes, was the class on Wednesday 6-9PM. It really made me relaxed. From 1st class of origami where we made a dumpling as well as few of us tried our hands on making a sphere too. With later lectures involving paper discussion and debating on pros and cons were quite an experience! Many games were also played to make learning a fun experience in the class. From getting to watch movies to quite a creative way to create music, the class was really remarkable. It made my semester flow smoothly. Thanks for such a wonderful class Ellen.

May 2, 2012

Project due??

by dhruvir

May 2, 2012

What does Creativity?

by dhruvir

What does it mean to you?

May 2, 2012

Perfect BrainStorming

by dhruvir

Here are 10 rules for brainstorming:

1. Set directions. Describe the situation and define the problem.

2. Involve everyone. Celebrate diversity.

3. Encourage cross fertilization. Combine and synergize ideas.

4. Encourage out-of the box thinking.

5. Don’t overlook the obvious.

6. Suspend judgments. All ideas are good ideas.

7. Don’t fear repetitions.

8. Don’t stop and discuss. Go for quantity and not quality.

9. Record and display idea. Make sure each idea is complete.

10. Change hats to select the best idea.

May 2, 2012

Creativity of brain?? Check it out!

by dhruvir

May 2, 2012

Creative Thinking Tips

by dhruvir
Here are some tips to be a creative thinker:
  • Break out of self-imposed limitations.
  • Look for wider solutions,  ‘think outside the box’.
  • Think sideways; explore the least likely directions; abandon step-by-step approach and thinking ‘to one side’ and master the ‘lateral thinking’ approach.
  • Sharpen your brain – communicate and exchange ideas with other creative people as often as you can. This is useful not only for stimulating idea generation but also for giving you an opportunity to validate your ideas through professional colleagues.
  • If you are thinking along a certain line and nothing happens, stop. Step out of your shoes, analyze the problem again and see if you can come up with a new approach.
  • If you are working on a problem and getting nowhere, leave it for a while and let your subconscious – your depth mind – to take over. Soon, new ideas and facts will inspire new associations and innovative combinations.
April 25, 2012

Creativity in Individuals

by dhruvir

April 25, 2012

Exam-time Creativity!

by dhruvir

There seems to be sudden burst of new ideas and ways to maximize time utilization during dead week! With finals round the corner, its important to cover the procrastinated tasks and get your self in order. Visit CULC during these times and you will notice the energy.

From people storming cafes to keep themselves awake to group studies!! Seems like break-out rooms are never empty. Get whatever space you get. What if u feel tired and sleepy?? No point of going home, take a nap there itself!! Dude, you got to study! Comfort is the last thing these people ask for. Its momentarily out of their requirements.

Students can be found with entire war-time supplies to stay there and study all-day and all-night!! My god, they bring lunch-diner, some are found listening songs, some take a break and watch movies, some even get together and play games!! And there are some with bright business idea, Starbucks!! Why not stay open 24hrs and cash in student’s urge to stay awake at any cost!!

Dead week? I bet u cant see more life in college than this week!!!

February 15, 2012

Creators and Creativity

by dhruvir

It is amazing to see how lectures unroll one after another. Only few weeks back I blogged about there being no concrete method to define creativity and lo and behold, here I am reading a paper by Gardner trying to define and categorize creativity!! I would agree with his method and points taken to classify creativity. Though they may not encompass every aspects of creative works, they tends to cover major portion of them. Indeed, classification of work to be creative or not depends on domain and field. While, uniqueness and importance of the work  is decided by the area in which it was accomplished, it is equally depended on the society or the judges of the work. History has proven many times that even the most magnificent work can be rejected by society.